The site has got 400 free video lessons. The videos are recorded by several experienced native-speaker teachers. Every lesson is really comprehensive, excellent and above all fun. There are lessons for beginners, intermediates and advanced students. New videos are added three times a week.
The range of topics is also comprehensive (covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation...): business English, comprehension, expressions, grammar, IELTS, pronunciation, slang, speaking, tips, TOEFL, TOEIC, vocabulary and writing.
You can watch here a couple of sample video lessons:
English Idioms - Hold
There are a lot of idioms and expressions in English that make use of the word ‘hold’. In this lesson, I explain several of them.
How to improve your listening in English
Do you have trouble understanding what native speakers say? What to improve your English listening and comprehension skills? I’ll give you some great tips that will help you to listen and understand!
Learn English online
If you want to find more websites to learn English online you can read this post: English as a Second Language. Web pages.
Moreover, you can contact native speakers and make new friends from all around the world in Babelan. Check it out.