Saturday, October 27, 2012

Take advantage of your time learning a foreign language

Learning a foreign language is time consuming. Most of us think that we aren't able to learn because of lack of time. And, as you should know regarding languages, the more you study and practice the more you learn.

Problably, you could take advantage of your spare time. Espacially, when cummuting to work. People who live in large cities spend long hours during the day communting (by undergroud, train or bus) from home to work place.

There are different activities you can do. You can take your class notes and read them. Also, you can read books in your target language. In addition, if you have an eBook or smartphone you can listen and read.

There are some web pages that offer audio recordings with transcripts. Here, you can see some examples for Russian or for English. You should look for suitable recordings for your target language and level.

Then, upload the recordings and transcripts to your eBook or smartphone. During your communting you can listen and read the audios. Later at home, you can search new words and work the grammar points. This way you will improve your listening as well as your reading skills, your vocabulary and your grammar knowledge.

Everyday you could do it for 15 minutes on the train or bus. This, at the end of the month, could be about 5 or 6 hours of extra work. And this will help you to improve faster. Hence, take advantege fo your time... commuting.


Babelan, you can meet people and practice your target language. Check it out.

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