About this experient (from the web)
"Short digitized clips from Russian films are the primary source of language and culture in this course. We collected close to 400 clips and placed them on this Web site along with many supporting materials. You can use a Windows or Macintosh computer to take advantage of the course. No registration is necessary (or, indeed, possible), and no credit is given, unless the student is registered for first-year Russian at Cornell. (...)". Read all the text.
- Beginning Russian through film: http://russian.dmll.cornell.edu/brtf/index.htm
Related posts
- Learn Russian with Alla's videos
- RusskogoYazyka, a collection of Russian videos
- Russian Language Podcast
Language exchange online: Russian
This is a list of people offering to teach or learn Russian. You can participate posting your message or answering someone else's posting.
- Global language exchange (messenger, e-mail, voice, chat, skype, webcam, msn): Russian